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eMammal workshop with Western Kimberley indigenous rangers


On February 22, several indigenous ranger programs from the Western Kimberley came together learn about eMammal and to test out the eMammal app on photos from the Spectacled Hare-Wallaby survey project.  The workshop included an overview camera trapping as well as of eMammal with some discussions on how to manage camera trap data for indigenous ranger programs. Ranger coordinators and indigenous Rangers from 4 different programs attended the workshop and each participant got the opportunity to use the eMammal app and practice identifying species.  

In the half-day workshop we managed…

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We are online!


The first eMammal project in Australia is now up and running!  This project represents a collaboration between three indigenous ranger programs with support from WWF Australia, in the Western Kimberley region which is part of the state of Western Australia.  The three ranger groups came together back in June 2017 and over a period of 3 days put out over 50 camera traps across a large portion of area that includes the traditional lands of the Yawuru, Karajarri, Nyikina and Mangala peoples. Our goal was to look for the elusive, rare spectacled hare-wallaby and find it we did! But we also…

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