Analyze Animal Activity

Use the map and project selection tools below to select data to analyze animal activity.

Step 1: Select an Area using the map.

Click on the box icon on the left of the map to draw a box and select data. Circles with numbers represent clustered data, the blue boxes that appear when show the area that contains data. Click on the circles with numbers to zoom in on the area.

Step 2: Choose projects.

Select projects using the drop-down menu below and then click the "Add selected data" button.

To select a sub-project, first choose a project and then select a sub-project. Repeat to add another sub-project.
Step 3: Choose Species

Choose one species for a single species activity and choose two species to compare species activity on one graph. Choose species from the menu and then click the "Add selected species" button.

Species names are Scientific name/Common Name (# detections in map box)
Step 4: Run Activity Analysis

PLEASE NOTE: Due to the length of time required to generate the results from Browse Data requests, we have implemented a new process to notify you when your analysis is complete. Once your analysis has completed, you will receive a browser notification. If you have registered an account, you will also receive an email notification as well as historical access to past analyses created after this new feature was launched.