Albany Area Camera Trapping Project

Camera trapping data from the Albany area collected around 2011 and 2012 by Roland Kays and the NY State Museum. Data includes suburban sets in the woods around Albany and wild sets, mostly out by Grafton state park. Some of the suburban sets include a test of alternative animal movement corridor models as detailed in LaPoint et al 2013. Some of the other data is unpublished. There are also some cameras that were placed in front of a plastic flamingo to see how animals would respond to novel objects. These also had a scent lure on the flamingo of cinnamon or orange. These baited sets are clearly noted in the metadata.

LaPoint, S., P. Gallery, M. Wikelski, and R. Kays. 2013. Animal behavior, cost-based corridor models, and real corridors. Landscape Ecology 28:1615–1630.

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