Coexisting with Carnivores Project

Wild Wise: Coexisting with Carnivores, a partnership between Woodland Park Zoo and Issaquah School District 6th grade Life Sciences, offers middle school students a chance to develop science inquiry, civic literacy, and leadership skills as they investigate and share solutions for living with carnivores in their community.

The Wild Wise: Coexisting with Carnivores program engages students in community-based scientific investigations, beginning with a carnivores program at Woodland Park Zoo and culminating in a community event at which students present the results of their investigations. The students' research questions are focused on answering two overarching questions: 1) How are carnivores using natural and human-made resources in our community to meet their needs? and 2) How can humans meet their needs while allowing carnivores to meet their needs (how can we share the landscape)? The remote camera photos shown here were collected by students and used as evidence in answering their research questions.

Project Images