Peperpot Nature Park

This project monitors the mammals at Peperpot Nature Park, a reserve to preserve biodiversity close to the large city of Paramaribo.

Peperpot Nature Park was founded in order to help conserve the nature, the biodiversity as well as the cultural heritage of the old Peperpot Plantation in an organized and sustainable manner. Peperpot Nature Park is a 26 hectare protected coffee and cocoa plantation area with many exotic bird and plant species. It is located only 10 minutes away from Paramaribo and offers a unique experience in nature with a major focus on birdwatching and (educational) nature walks. Peperpot Nature Park is surrounded by approximately 700 hectares of protected nature forest. The nature park forms part of the greater Peperpot area which is a unique and historical coffee and cocoa plantation that is destined for the sustainable development of eco-tourism.

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