WildTracker Tasmania Project

WildTracker is a citizen-science ecological monitoring program, tracking the health of native species and ecosystems on private land in Tasmania. The project is run by the Tasmanian Land Conservancy (TLC), an independent environmental organisation that works with the community to protect important areas for nature conservation.

Tasmania is home to amazing and unique ecosystems, with many species that are found nowhere else on earth, including iconic species such as the Tasmanian Devil. But many of these species are under threat and we need good ecological data in order to make wise decisions about where we focus our conservation efforts. It is a huge job and only possible with the support of local communities!

Long-term monitoring sites have been established across Tasmania on private reserves managed by TLC and on private properties managed by individual landholders. Data is collected from each site every 2-5 years by volunteers or landholders. Mammals are monitored using camera traps and habitat condition is monitored using photo-points and satellite imagery.

Project Images