Data Management and Storage

The Smithsonian is now using the Wildlife Insights repository for all camera trap data management and storage. 

This program automatically groups bursts of photos into sequences if they are <1 min apart, making it easy to look through a data card full of images. Camera trappers use this software to examine each sequence and tag which species, and how many individuals, are found. 

Each project is responsible for reviewing their own pictures. This could be done by the project manager, or by staff, students or volunteers trained and supervised by the project manager. New project managers should be extra cautious in approving difficult sequences, checking with their supervisor until they have proven their qualifications as an 'expert' in the wildlife of that particular area.

Pictures and data must eventually be available to the public, but can initially be placed under an embargo. Smithsonian offers data embargoes of 3 years for projects that do not want to immediately share their data so that they have the first opportunity to publish their results. These terms will be set upon the creation of a project, and can be changed later if needed. 

In addition, the species location is masked for photographs of threatened and endangered species. The repository contains the original location of all photographs, but each project has a center location identified by the Project Manager. All photographs of endangered species (and all other photographs from that location) are associated with this central location in all publicly available data.